About Us

PLEASE NOTE THAT WHILE WE ARE IN CAPE TOWN OTHER THAN TO MENTION CAMPS WE ARE STAYING IN, THIS BLOG WILL BE DORMANT UNTIL WE LEAVE UP THE W COAST IN MAY Entertainer Derek Gordon along with wife Christel, brother-in-law photographer Bernd Weimar and "hond" Jack the Russell are off on a minimum one year motorhome tour of the country. It has been a lifetime ambition to undertake this trip, put off many,many times, but come May 5th 2011, now a reality It is our intention to head up the East coast, Wild coast and into N.Kwa Zulu Natal. From there we will cross Umpumalanga into Botswana and eventually Namibia. Finally we head down the West coast back to Cape Town. The trip should take a year but that is not a factor. If we like a place we stay, if not we move on. I will attempt to do shows where and whenever I can as well as selling our artworks and T-Shirts at Farmers and Arts and Crafts markets as we go. It is not our intention to make money but merely subsidise our expenses. Follow this blog to find out where we are, who we've met, where we've stayed and how much its cost. We remain contactable by email at dpgordon@webmail.co.za

21 July 2011

Breakfast in Illovo

A communal breakfast for the campers - Ek was die eenigste "soutie" daar .... while Christel is in Johannesburg

Ons buurmans in Illovo

Kobie & Lizette from Rustenberg - They are here for 3 months holiday .. aah the idle rich

19 July 2011

Curry Dinner Illovo

Reciprocating a dinner we had at Kobie and Lizette's tent with a curry in ours

Would you hire this attorney?

"Japie" with tande uit wins the funniest face competition at the Illovo show
He actually looks like this .. when not at a party

Impromptu Show in Illovo

Chris and I at a show I did for our fellow campers

Early Morning Raid

One of the scores of Vervot monkeys beating the cleaners to the bin in Illovo Beach